Image: "GigN'sAtTwinsJazz"
The title comes from the fact that the photo was taken after the last set at TwinsJazz, Washington, DC. The group performing was David "Fat Head" Newman, Sax, Bob Butta, Piano, Steve Novasel, bass and Harold Mann, Drums. The set took place August 10, 2005.
During the last set of the night, I usually attempt to capture special moments that might highlight the performance. It wasn't until the set ended and the musicians rested their instruments that I caught this view depicting something special...The position of the bass and drums embraced the sign "TwinsJazz" perfectly. The only trick was balancing the light( interior with the exterior sign.)
After some croping and moving mic stands out of view I finally got what I wanted,
"GigN'sAt TwinsJazz"
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